
your Money

Our app will help you to Save your money, Budget your money and educate yourself with Financial literacy courses.


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Discover SaveMoney

SaveMoney is a money management application that will help you make savings according to your personal goals and set up a saving account on autopilot. You register and immediately have access to all the innovative functionalities.

What's Inside


Financial literacy video lessons

Rich gamification

Connect to bank account

that inspires consumers to learn while being entertained
and see your expenses and income in our app

A premier PFM app experience

Smart budget

AI features for autosaving

with notifications about overspending and recommendations

Your budgets are simple, and your finances are all in one place

This new app features an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for keeping track of your financial movements without any difficulty. Now it's easy to reach all your financial goals

Saving Account on Autopilot

Receive achievements

Watch financial literacy lessons

Available soon... Subscribe to know regarding the launch

Manage your spending anytime, anyplace

Money Manager Functionalities

Quickly and easily plan your finances and avoid having sensitive information spread across notes, statements, and spreadsheets
Set targets per category and track your spending over monthly periods. Each time you spend money, you create a transaction and track it to your budget
Identify the areas you are overspending and set goals. Manage your expenses and keep control over your life
Reminders will keep you up to date with your payments and notify you of overspending

Saving Account on Autopilot

and Efficient

Focus on today guilt free with daily spending and weekend limits to help you stay on the right track

Pocket Money

guilt-free daily cash


We take the security of your data very seriously and provide multiple measures to keep your information protected

Secure Encryption

Multifactor Authentication

Fingerprint and Face ID

Money Management
at Your Fingertips

Includes Income and Expenses budget. You follow your plan by keeping track of your spending throughout the month. Each time you spend money, you create a transaction and track it to your budget

Flexible Budgeting

You can keep track of your finances whenever you need them, by accessing your smartphone even when you are offline

Total control of your money

SaveMoney helps you track your spending

Available soon... Subscribe to know regarding the launch

Manage your spending anytime, anyplace

is Easy to Use

A simple app designed to help you track your spending and change your life. Now you can reach all your financial goals.

Controlling your finances with the click of a button was never so efficient.

You can subscribe for SaveMoney right now and get 30% off

Make the most of our special Launch Offer, only available for a limited time
At launch, you will receive an email to start using your app and start organizing your financial life
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